Corwynn - boys name

Corwynn name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Corwynn name meaning:

The name Corwynn is of Welsh origin and is derived from the elements "cor" meaning spear and "wynn" meaning fair or blessed. Therefore, the name Corwynn can be interpreted to mean a fair or blessed spear. This name conveys qualities of strength, protection, and possibly even leadership.

As a boy's name, Corwynn may suggest a sense of nobility and valor, reflecting the image of a young warrior or defender. It is a unique and distinctive name that carries a certain charm and mystique. Those named Corwynn may embody qualities of bravery, courage, and resilience, making them stand out in a crowd.

Overall, the name Corwynn carries connotations of strength, fairness, and protection, making it a powerful and meaningful choice for a boy. It is a name that can inspire confidence and evoke images of a noble and courageous individual.

Origin: English

Variant of Corwin: Heart's friend.

Related names

Corwin , Corwynn

Other boys names beginning with C


This name does not feature in the UK baby names statistics - so feel free to go ahead and start a trend!