Dayton - boys name

Dayton name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 37%

Dayton name meaning:

The name Dayton is of English origin and has multiple meanings associated with it. One interpretation of the name is "valley town" or "settlement in the valley." This refers to the geographical features of a town situated in a valley or low-lying area. The name Dayton can also be derived from the Old English word "daeg" meaning "day" and "tun" meaning "enclosure" or "settlement." In this context, Dayton could signify a place where people gather during the day.

Additionally, the name Dayton has gained prominence in modern times due to its association with the city of Dayton in Ohio, USA. The city was named after Jonathan Dayton, a Revolutionary War officer and one of the signatories of the United States Constitution. Therefore, the name Dayton may also carry connotations of patriotism, bravery, and the spirit of independence.

Overall, the name Dayton has a rich history and diverse meanings, ranging from geographical references to historical significance. It can be seen as a name that evokes a sense of place, community, and the values attached to it.

Origin: English

Day town, light town.


Surnames, Unisex names

Other boys names beginning with D


Overall UK ranking: 3017 out of 4789

6 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

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  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (1265)

Historical popularity of Dayton

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