Ebo - boys name

Ebo name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Ebo name meaning:

The name Ebo is of Nigerian origin and means "born on Tuesday" in the Igbo language. In traditional Igbo culture, each day of the week is associated with a specific name, and children are often named based on the day they were born. Therefore, a boy named Ebo would be thought to have been born on a Tuesday.

In Nigerian culture, names often carry significant meaning and are chosen carefully to reflect the circumstances of a child's birth or to honor ancestors. Naming a child after the day they were born is a common practice in many African cultures, including the Igbo people. By naming a boy Ebo, his parents may be expressing a desire for him to embody the characteristics associated with individuals born on a Tuesday, such as strength, courage, and leadership.

Origin: African

Ghanian name given to a child born on Tuesday.

Other boys names beginning with E


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