Kalkin - boys name

Kalkin name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Kalkin name meaning:

The name Kalkin is of Sanskrit origin and is often associated with Lord Kalki, the tenth and final incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. In Hindu mythology, Lord Kalki is believed to be a future incarnation who will appear at the end of the current age, known as the Kali Yuga, to bring about the end of the world and usher in a new golden age. The name Kalkin conveys a sense of power, authority, and divine purpose, reflecting the characteristics of the deity it is derived from.

For parents who choose the name Kalkin for their son, they may be seeking to imbue him with qualities of strength, leadership, and a sense of destiny. The name Kalkin carries a sense of mystique and reverence, making it a unique and meaningful choice for a boy's name.

Origin: Hindu

Tenth incarnation of God Vishnu.

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