Udall - boys name

Udall name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Udall name meaning:

The name Udall is of English origin and is typically used as a surname. It is believed to have derived from the Old Norse name "Oddi," meaning "point of land." Udall could also be a variation of the name "Odell," which means "woad hill" in Old English, referring to a place where the woad plant was grown for dye.

In terms of personality traits associated with the name Udall, individuals with this name may be perceived as strong-willed, independent, and determined. They may have a natural inclination towards leadership roles and possess a sense of adventure and exploration. The name Udall may also suggest someone who is grounded in their beliefs and values, and who is not easily swayed by external influences. Overall, the name Udall conveys a sense of resilience and steadfastness, making it a fitting choice for a boy who is seen as a force to be reckoned with.

Origin: English

From the yew tree valley.

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