Zackariya - boys name

Zackariya name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 59%

Zackariya name meaning:

The name Zackariya is a variant of the Hebrew name Zechariah, which means "God has remembered" or "remembered by God." It is a name of biblical origin and holds significant religious symbolism. In the Old Testament, Zechariah was a prophet and priest who played a crucial role in the restoration of Jerusalem. His name reflects the idea that God remembered His people and fulfilled His promises to them.

The name Zackariya carries a sense of divine favor and remembrance. It suggests that the person bearing this name may have a special connection to God or be destined for a significant purpose. It conveys the belief that God is always aware of His creation and will not forget those who are faithful to Him. This name is often chosen by parents seeking a meaningful and spiritually significant name for their child, emphasizing the importance of their faith and God's presence in their lives.

Overall, the name Zackariya embodies religious significance, reminding individuals of God's remembrance and the potential for a divine purpose in their lives.


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Overall UK ranking: 1984 out of 4789

11 recorded births last year

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