Danelle - girls name

Danelle name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Danelle name meaning:

The name Danelle is a feminine variant of the name Daniel, which has Hebrew origins. The name Daniel means "God is my judge" or "God is my strength." Therefore, Danelle can be seen as a name that represents a strong connection to faith and spirituality. Those named Danelle may possess qualities such as determination, inner strength, and a sense of justice.

Individuals with the name Danelle may also be seen as assertive and confident, as they draw strength from their beliefs and values. They may have a sense of purpose in their lives and strive to make decisions that align with their moral compass. Overall, the name Danelle signifies a person who is guided by their faith and principles, and who is not afraid to stand up for what they believe in.

Origin: English

Feminine variant of Daniel: God will judge.

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