Kumudavati - girls name

Kumudavati name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Kumudavati name meaning:

The name Kumudavati is of Indian origin and is commonly used for girls. In Sanskrit, "Kumuda" means lotus, which is a symbol of purity, beauty, and spiritual growth in Hindu mythology. Thus, Kumudavati can be interpreted as someone who embodies the qualities of a lotus - grace, elegance, and inner beauty.

Individuals with the name Kumudavati are believed to have a calm and peaceful demeanor, as well as a strong sense of spirituality and connection to nature. They are often seen as compassionate and nurturing individuals who bring harmony and positivity to those around them. The name Kumudavati carries a sense of tranquility and serenity, reflecting a person who exudes a sense of grace and beauty in all aspects of their life.

Origin: Indian

Owns lotuses.

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