Kyllikki - girls name

Kyllikki name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Kyllikki name meaning:

The name Kyllikki is of Finnish origin and is typically given to girls. It holds significance in Finnish mythology, as Kyllikki was a character in the epic poem Kalevala. Kyllikki was a beautiful maiden who was wooed by the hero Lemminkäinen. Her name is believed to mean "flower" or "blossom," symbolizing beauty, delicacy, and femininity.

Those who bear the name Kyllikki are often seen as gentle, kind-hearted individuals who possess a natural grace and charm. They are known for their nurturing spirit and their ability to bring beauty and joy to those around them. The name Kyllikki carries with it a sense of purity and innocence, evoking images of fresh blooms and the beauty of nature. Overall, those named Kyllikki are seen as symbols of beauty, grace, and feminine strength.

Origin: Finnish

Woman of strength.

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