Lamiah - girls name

Lamiah name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 37%

Lamiah name meaning:

The name Lamiah is of Arabic origin and has several possible meanings. One interpretation is that it is derived from the root word "lam" which means "to shine" or "to radiate." In this context, Lamiah can be seen as a name of great beauty and brilliance, symbolizing a girl who brings light and positivity to those around her.

Another possible meaning is that Lamiah is derived from the Arabic word "lamia," which refers to a mythical creature often portrayed as a seductive female vampire. In this context, Lamiah can be associated with mystery and allure.

It is important to note that the meaning of a name can vary depending on cultural and personal interpretations. Lamiah can be seen as a unique and beautiful name with a variety of potential meanings, each offering its own charm and significance. Ultimately, the true meaning of the name Lamiah lies in the context and intention with which it is given and embraced.


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Overall UK ranking: 3519 out of 5581

6 recorded births last year

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