Luda - girls name

Luda name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Luda name meaning:

The name Luda, primarily used for girls, has roots in various cultures, each contributing a unique meaning and significance. In Slavic languages, Luda is often considered a diminutive form of Ludmila, which translates to "favor of the people" or "loved by the people." This interpretation highlights a character trait of being beloved or cherished by those around them, suggesting a person who is sociable, kind-hearted, and valued within their community.

In addition to its Slavic background, Luda may also carry meanings in other languages and cultures, reflecting the interconnectedness and diversity of names worldwide. Regardless of its specific origin, the name Luda typically conveys a sense of affection, popularity, or grace, embodying qualities of warmth, friendliness, and a natural ability to connect with others.

Choosing the name Luda for a child might symbolize a wish for them to lead a life filled with love, social connections, and a strong sense of community. It's a name that resonates with positivity and an outgoing persona, potentially shaping the individual's identity in a way that highlights their interpersonal strengths and their capacity to bring joy to the lives of others.

Origin: Russian

Love of the people.

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