Tamra - girls name

Tamra name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Tamra name meaning:

The name Tamra is a girl's name of Hebrew origin, bearing the meaning "date palm tree." Rooted in biblical and Hebrew contexts, the name is associated with qualities such as fertility, prosperity, and grace. The date palm tree symbolizes resilience, as it thrives in the desert, representing an individual who can flourish and prosper in challenging conditions. This imagery imparts a sense of elegance, beauty, and strength to the name.

Tamra offers a unique alternative to the more commonly found name Tamara, while retaining a similar melodious quality. It is appreciated for its simplicity and the rich cultural significance it carries. The name's association with nature and growth makes it a meaningful choice for parents looking for a name with depth and positive connotations for their daughter.

Origin: Hebrew

Palm tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara was daughter of King David and sister to Absalom.

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