Azai - boys name

Azai name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 59%

Azai name meaning:

The name Azai is of Hebrew origin and has several potential meanings. One interpretation is that it is derived from the Hebrew word "atzai," which means "strong" or "powerful." This suggests that individuals with this name may possess qualities of strength, determination, and resilience.

Another possible meaning is linked to the Azai clan, a prominent samurai family in feudal Japan. The Azai clan was known for its bravery, strategic thinking, and honor. Thus, the name Azai could also symbolize qualities of courage, loyalty, and chivalry.

Furthermore, it is important to note that names can have different meanings and interpretations across different cultures and languages. Therefore, the meaning of the name Azai may vary depending on the cultural background and context in which it is used.

In conclusion, the name Azai is believed to convey notions of strength, power, bravery, and honor. Ultimately, the true meaning behind a name lies in how it is embodied and lived out by the individual who bears it.

Origin: Hebrew


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Overall UK ranking: 1984 out of 4789

11 recorded births last year

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