Elea - girls name

Elea name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 67%

Elea name meaning:

The name Elea is of Greek origin and is derived from the ancient Greek word "eleos," which means "compassion" or "mercy." It is also associated with the Greek word "eleon," meaning "olive tree." Elea is a name that encompasses qualities of kindness, empathy, and nurturance.

Girls named Elea are often described as gentle and understanding. They possess a natural inclination to help others and have a compassionate nature, making them excellent listeners and supportive friends. Elea's tend to have a calming presence and are often sought after for their advice and guidance.

Additionally, the connection to the olive tree symbolizes peace and wisdom. Elea represents a sense of harmony and stability, as well as strength and resilience. The name Elea is a beautiful choice for parents who desire a name that reflects compassion, empathy, and inner strength.


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Overall UK ranking: 1866 out of 5581

15 recorded births last year

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  • 1yr


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