Isolda - girls name

Isolda name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Isolda name meaning:

The name Isolda is of Welsh origin and is believed to be a variation of the name Isolde, which means "fair lady" or "beautiful princess." It is a name that exudes grace, elegance, and femininity, and is often associated with qualities such as charm, kindness, and sensitivity. Girls named Isolda are thought to possess a natural allure and inner strength that captivates those around them.

Isolda is a name that carries with it a sense of timeless beauty and sophistication, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name that is both unique and classic. Those who bear the name Isolda may be seen as gentle yet resilient individuals who embody a sense of grace and poise in everything they do. Overall, the name Isolda symbolizes beauty, strength, and a sense of regality that sets its bearer apart from the rest.

Origin: Celtic

The fair.

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Isolda , EsyIlt, Hisolda, Izett

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