Rebeka - girls name

Rebeka name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 71%

Rebeka name meaning:

The name Rebeka is derived from the Hebrew name Rivqah, which means "to tie" or "to bind." In the Bible, Rebekah was chosen as the wife for Isaac by Abraham's servant. She is portrayed as a virtuous and beautiful woman who embodies loyalty, compassion, and devotion. As a name, Rebeka symbolizes strength, determination, and the ability to connect with others.

People named Rebeka often possess a magnetic and charming personality, attracting others with their warmth and friendly nature. They have a natural talent for forming deep and meaningful relationships, binding others to them with their love and support. Rebekas are known for their strong sense of responsibility and dedication, always willing to go the extra mile to help those around them.

Rebeka is a name that represents a deep connection and the power of forming lasting bonds. It carries a sense of loyalty, compassion, and dedication, which are all qualities that contribute to building strong and meaningful relationships.


Related names

Rebeka , Rebecca

Other girls names beginning with R


Overall UK ranking: 1628 out of 5581

18 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (1490)

Historical popularity of Rebeka

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