Kalil - boys name

Kalil name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Kalil name meaning:

The name Kalil is of Arabic origin and has multiple meanings. One of the most common interpretations of the name Kalil is "friend" or "companion" in Arabic. This name carries a positive connotation, suggesting that individuals named Kalil are sociable, warm, and have a knack for building and maintaining relationships. The name also signifies someone who is trustworthy and reliable, making them an excellent confidant and ally.

In addition to its meaning as a friend, Kalil can also be interpreted as "good" or "virtuous" in Arabic. This meaning encapsulates qualities such as kindness, morality, and righteousness, which are highly regarded virtues in many cultures. Individuals named Kalil are often seen as role models, embodying these positive traits and inspiring others to follow suit.

Overall, the name Kalil holds deep cultural and linguistic significance, representing characteristics of friendship, trustworthiness, and goodness. It is a name that carries a positive and uplifting message, suggesting a person who brings joy and positivity into the lives of others.

Origin: Arabic

Good friend.

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Kalil , Kaleela

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Overall UK ranking: 4789 out of 4789

3 recorded births last year

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