Raphael - girls name

Raphael name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Raphael name meaning:

The name Raphael is of Hebrew origin and holds significant meaning. It is derived from the Hebrew word "Rafa'el," which translates to "God has healed" or "God heals." The name Raphael carries a spiritual connotation, symbolizing divine healing or restoration. In religious contexts, Raphael is also known as an archangel, associated with healing, protection, and guidance.

The name Raphael holds a powerful and uplifting significance, evoking feelings of hope, strength, and divine assistance. It suggests the belief that God has the power to heal and restore, both physically and spiritually. Naming a boy Raphael could signify the parents' desire for their child to possess qualities of healing, kindness, and spirituality. It could also represent the parents' hope for their son to receive divine guidance and protection throughout his life journey.

Overall, the name Raphael is deeply rooted in faith and carries a sense of optimism, making it a meaningful choice for parents who seek a name that reflects their beliefs and aspirations for their child.

Origin: Hebrew

God has healed.


Saints names

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